All posts by wendy

Cancer yuck

My coffee has cancer
She’s no longer a prancer
She gets poked and prodded
She hated those that nodded
She is IVed and transfused
She is sad and confused
She hates the chemo
To the supplements she says no
She shakes and she hides in the office of the vet
She spends whole days where she just sets

Coffee’s Cancer Battle round 2

Coffee is no longer stable. They have changed her chmo protocol but one of her glands are 33% bigger. So we wait and pray this new chemo reacts with the cancer in her body, she didn’t get her antibody treatment today as they have a bad batch and are pulling all of it until they can isolate the npvisl numbers. Chemo is the only thing keeping Coffee alive. Her throat hurs , she snorea a lot, she only has to have tiny bites to swallow. I feel so bad.

Reading association

I went to the registration with a friend for the reading association convention. I was reading the convention program and I read all the presentations. There was no presentation that was just for the love of reading, with testing, justice, documenting, why not just let’s have fun reading the books……what is coming about with schools? How did testing take over and the love of a book or reading get put aside. How do you make a nation of readers like that?