Coffee’s Cancer Battle week 26

Well if our blood count is high enough we should get our last chemo today…’s been along haul since February. Coffee remains in total clinical remission and all her glands are soft and normal sized. Thank you, God.

How long the remission will last is not known. It could be a year….I met one dog that was in remission 7 years and one that died of old age but not lymphoma. So we pray….and start our wellness plan.

We did get chemo and it was her last. All the people at the oncology unit signed a bandana for her. We did it half a year!



We are sitting in the basement on the sofa, and Coffee and Creamy are on the lazy boy sofa. Chai is sleeping on the floor. Little Mac is sleeping on the do I g room table, Davis is in his back chair. We are watching movies so Coffee can’t hear the booms from the storm. She loves laying on the foot part of the lazy boy.

Coffee’s Cancer Battle week 24

We are down to this week and next week in our chemo treatments for Lymphoma cancer. Coffee remains in clinical remission and her glands are soft and palatable and normal sized.
Today Creamy had an accident in the car co I g to chemo so instead of letting her sit on the chair I put her in the doggy stroller. We have four kinds, this one I carry in the car for emergencies.

Creamy in the stroller at chemo

Creamy in the stroller at chemo

Find…..Brass bed

Have you ever had things you wanted as a kid? I had a wish book and in it was a brass bed. I found one for $40. It’s going to the new house. One thing in my wish book. One of the other things was a wedding dress and it had a cowboy hat veil. I loved that hat. Never have found one. But hey now I have the brass bed.

Brass bed

Brass bed