All posts by wendy


I have decided to do something I have never done before, used color blocking and do the whole apartment in different shades of beige/ mocha color added with burgundy. I was watching Martha Stewart and she said , “Paint is wonderful, if you hate it just paint over it.. ” so I will proceed and see how it goes. My hallways will be different shades of chololate ice cream with white. The living room will ivory and burgundy and the kitchen mocha and burgundy. We will see if it will all come together. I found a great winterberry matted painting at a resale store so I am using the winterberry theme in the living room and kitchen.

My color blocked hallway. I am looking for a new rug to replace the old one. But the walls are good

My color blocked hallway. I am looking for a new rug to replace the old one. But the walls are good

Daily inspiration

I have had a hard time this week. I have been sad because a relative was not nice to me and it was all over a mistake. I just feel bad because of it.

This is the second time in the last few months that misunderstandings caused rifts in my liFe. Everyone deserves to be heard and to explain the situation before drastic actions are taken or bad words said, that you can never take back.



facebook post

I love how my Halloween jack o lantern table and chair set turned out.

I love how my Halloween jack o lantern table and chair set turned out.


I have been working on the house slowly. My main colors are burgendy and beige. The hallway is beige and white. I really like how it turned out. Now I need to get rid of the clutter. I think all teachers have clutter and piles of they they have to do and piles of projects to be put together for thing they want to do for their students.

furniture for fun

I love to do up-cycled furniture for fun…..especially chairs. Life on a budget means my excursions are scoping out resale shops and getting old chairs to make fun. I now have a storage Unit full of decorated chairs. I am always looking for places to donate them.

My sister's friend Linda wanted a chair for her granddaughter to use when they cook. This is her stepping chair with hooks for her apron.

My sister’s friend Linda wanted a chair for her granddaughter to use when they cook. This is her stepping chair with hooks for her apron.front



Boo to you

Have you ever seen Boo the world cutest dog? I love him and his friend Buddy. But I have my babies whome I miss more than words can say. THEY WERE THE BEST FRIEND THROUGH THE HARDEST OF TIMES. they were there when I needed them. They lived long happy lives but I miss them so much. We could have given Boo a run for his money.

By Glamour shots photos


Daily inspiration


I love this sign. I took a photo of it in the store. It’s wonderful. I have always been the safe person with my life and did what my family wanted me to do. I was more adventurous as a teacher. I have been privileged to do so much more than what most teachers got to do. 88 awards in excellence of teaching and science teaching. Local, stat, and national. I just wish my life had more then teaching. Hind sight 20/20.

Daily inspiration

I am trying acupuncture on my headaches. Hopefully I will see some improvements. It’s been a bad week for a lot of reasons. This was on the wall and I loved it.


I loved this. I grew up on a dairy farm in Port Wahington Wisconsin. I thought I would always be a on a farm with cows, pigs, horses and land. Instead I spent 30 years of my life teaching inner city children from low socioeconomic, high poverty families. Then my schools population changed and while I still had many African American students, I learned about newcomers. Children from war, poverty, camps……many survivors that were new to the USA. I was privileged to learn about many cultures, many countries and many different ways of life. Some of it Hmong but Congo, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Chinese, Sudan, Russia, Iran, and Lebanon just to name some of them. Each child and family added something special to my life, not just as a teacher but as a person.

So, No we don’t always go to what we have planned but we must grab on and enjoy and learn from the life we do live.

My rainbow, swavorski crystal chair

My rainbow, swavorski crystal chair

Daily Inspiration

Few people have the courage to seek out change. It’s for. the Total Money Makeover”. I am working on debt free. This is because I thought I had all the bases covered when I left teaching and could not teach anymore. I had all the doctors in agreement with my disability and my brain injury. I didn’t realize it was tied up in workmanship comp negotiations. I went for a years with no money coming in and $800 a month in health insurance payments going out. Not good. So now I rebuild and I pay off debt. I would have been better off I ha the house paid off once, but four years ago it flooded with the rest of the state. Every time I went to fix something, I couldn’t just fix it, I had to fix it and bring it up to code from the 1950s and as one thing got done another cropped up. What a mess and a new mortgage on the house…….luckily with help I never was in danger of losing the house. I had the payments payed up six months in advance. A little preplanning luck.
I didn’t seek out this change but a lot of things in the duplex go updated, and yes I had insurance even extra insurance. It paid nothing. So change is good even if it’s not sought out.

The chairs I made my grand niece Abby

The rocking chair I made my grand niece Abby

daily inspiration

I find things in all sorts of places that inspire me or assist me in moving one. When I find those things I am going to start posting them here under ” daily inspirations ” look for this heading if you need to think, moray, meditate, or inspire yourself. I will try to tell you where I found it but some are so,d old the source is unknown.
This one came from Weight Watchers Magazine 2014
Apply the 98% rule.
When it comes to putting shame in its place, a slight shift in focus can make a huge difference. “It’s human nature to obsess about the 2% of things in life that go wrong” says Albers. instead focus on the 98 percent that are truly worthy of celebration. Make a list of positive things in your life and revisit it often. Fight the shame game.
My list
I have a great support system in my friends.
I have a great immediate family who loves me.
I have a wonderful though challenging house rescued animals.
I have a roof over my head, food in the house, and I am not behind on any bills.
I am working on being debt free.
When I ask for help someone will always be there, but I have to ask. No shame in being dependent.

My yellow garden chair

My yellow garden chair