Archive August 16, 2014


This is Meagan…they call her Maggie Moo or just Moo. I can her Moo cycle. Anyway she had her first trip to the zoo with me, and she spends time with me while I paint and paper in the new house. She’s my great grand niece. A product of having a brother 21 years older then me and a a nephew 11 month 10 days younger than me.

Meagan Ann

Meagan Ann

The happiness project


The Happiness Project, which is a book I wrote about a few months ago now has a journal. It’s a small journal that it pockets sized. I can write one to three lines daily for 5 years. It’s a good idea and I am trying it.

I miss my friend

It’s been 3 years since Mary Beth died. I try to take my life and not to make the mistakes she made. He estate got settled last week. The last three years I don’t know what she did but she didn’t do her taxes that was a mess.

I am not Mary Beth, she had lots of enemies and haters. She was a nice person once. Really. Part of that was still in her. The alcoholic part took over. She stopped going to the doctor. She cut a lot of people out of her life and she was so alone and unhappy. I don’t want to be like that. She could never let go of anything. She could never move on. You don’t have to forgive but if you don’t want to be eaten up by life you have to let go…move on….grow. She could never let go…..move on…..IT CONSUMED HER….god I miss her…..

House remodeling update step 1

The remodeling on the outside of the house was scheduled for October, but because of a little bit of a delay in another job, they crew could start now. So off with the old siding. Along with the old siding coming off…….we found some old remodeling.




Have a brain injury. Most people can’t see it from the outside, but I know it every day when I try it function like normal. It’s so hard. I never want to give up but it gets to me, it really does….

Find. My $10 table

I saw a nice looking man sitting at the curb with a sign that said estate sale. I decided to stop because the area is questionable. The man there said I can’t gibpve anything away but make an offer. I am stuck here on my vacation day. He pointed to this table and said, make an offer. I said I don’t need a table. He said anything but free and I said I only have $10. He said sold and put it in my car.
