Archive June 26, 2014

Coffees cancer battle week 22

We get our pill version Of chemo today. We didn’t get any last week because our blood count was too low.

Both Creamy and Coffee are ignoring me today. I was in Arkansas For my Aunt Louise’s 89th birthday. So they have decided no commands are being taken and naughtiness is all around today. Growling, barking, snarling…..oh my, gone a few days and the world falls apart.

I drove like 14 hours yesterday so David drove the dogs and me to the vet today. Thank you David.

My selfie

My selfie

Do I leave?


To leave or not leave. I planned this trip for Arkansas a year and a half ago. I asked every niece and nephew. Now no one can go with me, and David can’t go with because he blew out his knee. Canine cancer remedies

Sometimes life gets too stressful and I don’t know…..too many things pile up at the same time. I don’t handle stress at all well. Not even a little.

So I don’t know, family didn’t come thru, Coffee still is in the middle of chemo treatments, and leaving her is not easy. Friends have volunteered to go with me, a friend volunteered her timeshare for me to use, and I just do t know what to do.

Packing the suit case

Can I pack for six days without taking a big suit case. I keep hoping but it just doesn’t work. I can do the close but the personal products do not fit it, especially if they are kept I a small bag. Maybe if the products are tucked around the edges.

I did fold and stack like the article told me to and I did pack my shoes but hey the only thing I can do is keep trying not to have two bags.

Packing the new van

By the time I was ten I had camped in every state in the United Sates except 5 states: Florida, Alaska, Hawaii, Maryland, and Oregon. Sometimes we camped, sometimes we slept in the car (station wagon) if we had driven too far and dad was too tired to put up the tent.

So packing a car in a trailer is something I helped with all my life. Balance is the key to lacking any vehicle. The weight must be distributed and balanced, the only way to go.


Coffee’s Cancer Battle week 21

We did not get chemo today. Coffee’s blood count was 1242 and it has to be 1500. So next week she will her chemo. It’s hard. The day before chemo she feels so good and then chemo all over again. So today she was feeling good and she can feel good all week. We have spent a lot of time here. Most people leave their dogs and go out and about. Coffee gets too upset so we get her back and we wait in the lobby with her while blood is counted and until chemo arrives. lots and lots of waiting.

University of Wisconsin Veterinary Clinic , Madison  Wiscsonsin.

University of Wisconsin Veterinary Clinic , Madison Wiscsonsin.