Archive May 31, 2016

no I never belonged to a family

This is the hatful letter I go from my gran niece when her mother gave away my rescues puppy and hid it from me. And no I was never really apart of any family because I never fit in with any of them.

You are a very sad individual. Trying to cause dividence within a family that YOU WERE NEVER APART OF. None of us even knew you for most of our lives and for you to come around and try to tear apart a family that was together way longer than they’ve even known you. You’re a Very sad human being and you also have to live with that. ARE YOU EVEN RELATED TO US? Maybe you thought you were part of this family but don’t fool yourself, if anyone has contact with you its for what they can get from you.
How do u sleep at night knowing u tear apart an entire family? Over a dog. Are you serious? How old are you wendy? To try and bring someone’s entire life down over a decision they made? Really Wendy? This is so sad and wrong. I guess you belong with your precious DOGS because it’s ONLY family you’ll ever have! Its no wonder no body talks to you anymore and so many people have you blocked. It’s no wonder everyone has a certain opinion about u. I feel very sorry for you only because in the end, at the end of the day you will lose everyone you have in your life because they will realize what type of person you really are. Smfh