Archive April 18, 2017

Creamy’s cancer journey day 2

Creamy starts her nasal cancer journey this week. Radiation for nasal cancer. She has the most common form of nasal cancers. It’s a 10 course of radiation at UW MADISON VETRINARY CLINIC. they have a new radiation machine and their is only one other one in Texas. So we make out 90 minute way journaey every day for 10 days. So 200 miles a day. I know people make the journey everyday in their commutes to work. I however haven’t commuted for a long time. But for 10 days here we are.

Creamy’s Cancer the start

Today we start Creamy’s cancer treatment. Creamy is having radiation at UW Madison Vetrinary Oncology Clinic. The radiation is 2 weeks Monday thru Friday for 10 sessions, I worry but I am driving her 90 minutes each way from Milwaukee to Madison. I could have left her here but but Creamy has OCD from her puppy mill days. So kennels and dogs crying freak her out. So we start our radiation journal on the anniversary that we lost Coffee 2 years ago to lymphoma.IMG_2852

Terrible tradegy


On their 31 year I fed the frogs. They were fine. I did errands, cleanedathome, took a nap, and after dinner went to water the plants and let the dogs play while I changed one of three frog pumps. All my frogs were dead. Cheeto, Frito and Dorito….no signs of disease or trauma….just dead…..

Up north

I went up north and met my niece Lisa at the house. She had a plant to give me from her dad’s funeral 22 years ago. She’s moving to a new tiny house and the plant is way too big. So now it’s mine. I also got to meet Katie ( my great grand niece) and her children.

Beauty and the Beast

Tonight my friends invited me to go see the movie Beauty and the Beast in Mequon. That’s was so fun but they did not pre buy the tickets and we ended up in the second row so we had to lay back the seats and watch the movie from bottom up… a movie on the ceiling….it’s been so long since friends invited me to do something. Thanks Chris, Debbie and Deena. IMG_4048

Creamy get groomed

Creamy gets groomed today and I have to wait for her. If she was going to be groomed that she needed to be groomed before eradication. Nothing after radiation. I have to wait for her because Creamy can’t be in the kennel. It freaks her out from being in the puppy mill.