Archive April 8, 2017


We are decompressing today. Taking Sis for a hair cut, waiting in the car for her, playing audiobook, writing in my journal. Picking take out up on the way home. My newest audiobook is the Haunting Daniel series. Not frightening or heaven just light and fun.

More tests at theoncology center.

Waiting for Creamy

Waiting for Creamy

And so we are off to Madison to go where we spent 66 weeks on and off with Coffee. There is radiation. Treatment in Milwaukee but Madison has this great new machine.its here and in Texas. So we chose here.

All of Creams and Coffee’s old friend are coming to see Creamy and saying Hi. It was nice that’s they came in to the waiting room to say Hello. I took Milo he’s, good as gold. Not the real Milo like at home. He’s an angel. And Creamy has to have another biopsy of her lymph nodes and another CAT scan that is related to the radiation machine….REALLY , the vet clinic should have told me this.

Bill so far $4000

Biopsies are in

Myself: biopsy negative. If there is anymore discharge I have to go in for a scope test like a colonoscopy of the uterus.

Creamy: cancer, nasal cancer , the most common type. To hedge my bet and prepare myself because the diagnosis Coffee had cancer was devastating…I made cReamy and appointment last week for the UW MADISON BETRINARY ONCOLOGY CLINIC. and so our appointment is tomorrow.

I’m still cramping a little so I take it easy and we take one day at a time.


Yesterday Chris, Dena, Debbie and I went to see the musical Rogers and Hammerstein Cinderella. I bee up with the 60s version of Cinderella from Rogers and Hammerstein. It was wonderful. I always wanted my first dance at my wedding to be to the song…..”10 minutes ago I saw you” but I forgot I love ” In My Little Corner” and ” Its Impossible”. What a great night. And then we went to an Irish pub for dinner. The Irish pub was not real great and I froze they had the outside door open. But the musical was wonderful. IMG_4046


I used to tell my school kids that “March comes in like a lion goes out like a lamb or comes in like a lamb goes out like a lion”. I always attributed it to weather but it can also be attributed to luck or goo /bad. Well me it was good bad. As great as March came in that’s how bad it went out.
Creamy had a biopsy because of a micussy bloody nose.
I had a biopsy because of spotting.
Janelle’s mom died.
My friend Carmen died.
Just terrible end of March.

Carmen, I’ll miss you

20170403_202319My friend Carmen died and it’s very hard. She had been in and out the hospital because she wasn’t healing. She was on dialysis and that was a part of her not healing. I will miss her. She was a good boss. Most of the years I was a teacher I worked a second job, to pay for my classroom and my second job was curriculum writing for the big district I work for with Carmen in charge. I will miss her.