Archive April 30, 2017

Radiation day 6 of 10

Radiation day 6 of 10. Up and out. Creamy is number 2 today. We brought Milo for support and we went around the lake for a walk. So after today we have 4 more days to go. Hopefully they will ontinue to see air pockets in the tumor as it dies. If it died too fast then that means it would come back quickly if it comes back. That means it quick growing. This tumor is not.


Well Creamy is up and going all day. She stole my sandwich for dinner. She never did that before…..too funny….I did laundry and got everything ready for taking off at 8 on Monday. We are ready harnesses waiting, lunch packed, backpack loaded. Done

The weekend is here

We get 2 days off radiation today, so I went to Sams club and the grocery store. We are good to go next week. Easy food, like sloppy joes, hot dogs, ham sandwiches. Everything gets BBQ beans and chips. So easy peasy…..

Creamy cancer treatment ….5 down 5 to go

We went to radiation today but as short as yesterday was that is how long today was. When we got here the radiation machine was down and they had to wait for a tech from the company to come fix it. So finally Creamy went in at 1:30. So we didn’t make the trip for nothing but we didn’t get home until 5:30, drove thru rush housr but she got her treatment, that was god and after 5 days we are all dragging.

Creamy’s cancer treatment day 4

Creamy had the whole family go with her to treatment today. That was so nice. We all supported her. It was so fun. And it was only 2 hours. She has woken up very fast from anesthetic and we only waitied a short time. But wheel we were here everyone took a walk. 2 at a time.

Creamy’s cancer journey day 3

Here we are, with out second day of radiation. I take her home every night, and she has a catheter in her leg with a brace and it’s covered. So they don’t have to reinsert it everyday. Last night I gave her some tramadol for pain so she would sleep good. And I am exhausted.

I packed a lunch and found a nice commons area in the etrunary building to sit and work.

Creamy’s cancer journey day 2

Creamy starts her nasal cancer journey this week. Radiation for nasal cancer. She has the most common form of nasal cancers. It’s a 10 course of radiation at UW MADISON VETRINARY CLINIC. they have a new radiation machine and their is only one other one in Texas. So we make out 90 minute way journaey every day for 10 days. So 200 miles a day. I know people make the journey everyday in their commutes to work. I however haven’t commuted for a long time. But for 10 days here we are.

Creamy’s Cancer the start

Today we start Creamy’s cancer treatment. Creamy is having radiation at UW Madison Vetrinary Oncology Clinic. The radiation is 2 weeks Monday thru Friday for 10 sessions, I worry but I am driving her 90 minutes each way from Milwaukee to Madison. I could have left her here but but Creamy has OCD from her puppy mill days. So kennels and dogs crying freak her out. So we start our radiation journal on the anniversary that we lost Coffee 2 years ago to lymphoma.IMG_2852