Archive July 11, 2018

Where was this?

Where was this when a 3 or 4 year old needed to balance a lunch tray and couldn’t! Where was this when there was breakfast for lunch and I was covered in maple syrup because 3 and 4 years olds cannot open maple syrup packets by themselves? Where were these when the the hornets were after me on the playground because i was covered in maple sryup?

Goodbye Dr. Schaeve

Dear Dr. Schaeve,
I didnt get a chance to say goodbye in person, but you taught me so much. Thank you. I never had a supervisor that I learned so much from or that created an environment like the one you made for us at Parkview. For the rest of my career i eould always look back at that time and measure what I was doing against it. I wish you had realized what a wonderful gift you had given the children and staff you served as a principal…you will be very missed my friend….the circle of life continues and we go on…