The past

The past

Mom died in January 1995 and two days later my 18 year old dog Tinker died. I started seeing david in July of 1995. We had a lot in common as we were care takers of sick parents. Then my brother died in August 1995 and David’s dad died in November lastly my Grandpa Lankford died in January 1996, so I lost half of my family within year.

It was hard, so David and I bonded and we have been together since . We got engaged there for awhile but we never got married, still engaged though.

He helped me take care of my Dad I lost dad in March 2000 and we lost David’s mom in December of 2000.

So our common bond was care taking. When the cult Dad was involved with came in and robbed the house three days before he died, I did not feel safe here , as they took all the keys, papers, bank books, records, everything they could so David moved in to make me feel safe and he still lives here and we are still together. I have a duplex so my sister also lives in part of the duplex. The three of us take care of each other.


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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