The blog

The blog

With my work comp case settled. I have me my disability teachers pension and things settling a bit…..I realize part of me will always be a teacher. Heck I have 87 local, state and national teaching awards. I have the highest honor the county can give to a science and math teacher. I was good at what I did and I loved it but all things change. So as I go along bay stepping my way to a new life….I will post to my data i used from my classroom of the many things I created and wrote.
And I will post what as I go along about chairs, repurposed furniture and of course my rescued dogs and cats under “Home classroom” because while I may not have the same brain I did before…..I can still try new things and share the old things.



Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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