No time

No time

I have been a teacher forever. Teachers never have much home time. That was a mistake I see I made a long time ago. Not having more of a life outside of work. The house has been neglected, the cleaning has been neglected and I have neglected myself. They say teacher have 10 weeks off every year. Well if you add teaching or working summer school, trying to cram everything in you have neglected for nine months of school and any classes you have to take to update your license and on top of that…..getting ready for the upcoming school year. That is an impossible schedule. Mine was impossible.

I guess now that I can look at my career In hind-sight, I wish I had put me and one of those important items in my life. Right now it’s looking kind of empty.

Oh well why cry over spilt milk, good question. Pick myself off brush myself off….and move on.

As I learn new things about what I can afford to do with the house, I will post that in my home classroom. Like I said, you always are learning something….


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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