daily inspiration

daily inspiration

I find things in all sorts of places that inspire me or assist me in moving one. When I find those things I am going to start posting them here under ” daily inspirations ” look for this heading if you need to think, moray, meditate, or inspire yourself. I will try to tell you where I found it but some are so,d old the source is unknown.
This one came from Weight Watchers Magazine 2014
Apply the 98% rule.
When it comes to putting shame in its place, a slight shift in focus can make a huge difference. “It’s human nature to obsess about the 2% of things in life that go wrong” says Albers. instead focus on the 98 percent that are truly worthy of celebration. Make a list of positive things in your life and revisit it often. Fight the shame game.
My list
I have a great support system in my friends.
I have a great immediate family who loves me.
I have a wonderful though challenging house rescued animals.
I have a roof over my head, food in the house, and I am not behind on any bills.
I am working on being debt free.
When I ask for help someone will always be there, but I have to ask. No shame in being dependent.

My yellow garden chair

My yellow garden chair


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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