My first grade classroom. Yes it’s cluttered organization. The new book I am reading is “One Year to an Organized Life” by Leeds. I am working on the organization of my life. I had tons and tons of school and teaching stuff. For the last year I have been trying to give it away to teachers and people who could use it. I admit I had LOTS OF STUFF. people have called me names, I have been told of the clutter, it integrates in every part of my life and I am still cleaning it out. Teachers in General have STUFF. Then they have piles of things they have to pack up, piles of things they need to take to school, piles of work that needs doing, piles of works they need to get ready for what is being taught next…..always piles or stacks……and I was a hands on teacher and that means more stuff. It’s hard. I have given away many things, I keep a few sentimental things, reminders of the nice times, great units……and fun I had teaching. Yes I had fun teaching. I loved doing projects and snacks for the kids. I lbed being a teacher……anyway I am busy organizing. This book goes month by month. It starts in the kitchen……
So I am packing things not used in the kitchen for storage. So that what’s left are working usable items.