Coffee’s Cancer Battle week 3

Coffee’s Cancer Battle week 3

Well week three did not go as we had planned. Coffee is doing good, because she still doesn’t know she’s sick except for drinking water and peeing and the vet says that’s the predisone. We didn’t get chemo today. First of all we had to change the days from Thursday to Wednesday because Wiscsonsin is expecting bad weather tomorrow the 20th of February. We could always outdrive weather in one part of the state, but the bad weather is going to cover the whole state tomorrow. So what we did was called, and begged, and the clinic gave us a waiting appointment. They get us in and see us when they can. Sort of like stand by on an airplane. Anyway they took Coffee but she had low white blood cells count and a one degree of fever, 103. So no chemo treatment this week. This week she gets antibiotics, fluids and we hope the cells go back up and the fever down. She normally has a 102 temp, so the fever is not high high. They said prednisone and chemo can lower defenses, so we wait a week. Her glands are or al1 normal size though. A very good sign. We won’t leave her at the medical center. She would be too far away and she’s never been away from us before for the night, so that’s not an option to get her better. (I had an african water frog get sick last year and the aquarium specialist said don’t isolate him, taking an animals that is sick out of its home environment is the worst thing for it. Isolating is not a good idea) so no leaving her so far from home.(Frito the 25 year African water frog healed very well) so the advice is good advice for anyone……even humans.

The doctor said Coffee is in clinical remition!

Coffee sound asleep on the way home. Lots of pokes today!

Coffee sound asleep on the way home. Lots of pokes today!

Creamy being a supporter. Not east when your friend has cancer.

Creamy being a supporter. Not east when your friend has cancer.


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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