Coffee’s Cancer Battle

Coffee’s Cancer Battle

My little pumpkin Coffee is doing well. She has a little tender tummy and she a little more tired then normal. I would love to take her on a walk but I think it’s too cold and they told me she is susceptible to more things on chemo, it knocks the immune system down. Other then sleeping more. She doesn’t seem sick. She is a genius you know. The puppy book said teach her how to critically think. I did. Now there is nothing she can’t open. Even a ziplock bag can be opened without teeth marks.
I have been buying her treat puzzles. They have flaps and drawers and twirls that she likes getting treats out of. Nothing she can’t solve in 10 minutes or less the first time. She loves her treat puzzles.

So tired after doing puzzles!

So tired after doing puzzles! tired after watching Voffee solve puzzles!

Creamy….so tired after watching Voffee solve puzzles!


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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