My money tree

My money tree

I have a money tree. I have taught Hmong students for a long time. They loved the bamboo plant, it brings luck and they loved the the money tree. So I take good care of those two plants. I just read an article Good Housekeeping 2/14. How to live richer. By Rapoport

Open your palm, take $10, in $1 bills and give it away. One lady put her dollars in books at the library. I loved that, being a teacher you know. Great idea. Can you imagine being a kid and finding a $1 in a book… cool!

Pay it forward. Did you see that movie. I loved the concept hated the fact the kid died. Volunteer have some fun don’t worry about money. Generosity like money is a currency, David’s nephew is serving in Afghanistan and his young wife is missing him. I have lots of purses so I took my next purse fund ( which I save in a jar) and sent her a coach bag, it made her so happy. She was so happy her parents private messaged me to tell me thank you for making her so happy. I have never met her parents (actually I never met her either) but she was so happy. Actually Coach always gibes me thrill.

Invest in happiness. The author suggests on investing in others happiness, instead of yours. They suggested donar’s choose and picking a teacher and funding their project. I was a teacher and I got a project funded. I was so happy. It was a right spot in a ten weeks of darkness so dark I thought I’d never see the sun again and if I saw it I would never feel it. The donors choose cordless headphones were a bright spot. I could let the kids go anywhere and still hear the book on tape….no cords. In half a classroom, with 18 student in tight quarters… cords are a god wink.

My Money tree is not nearly this big. I think I have it too much water.

My Money tree is not nearly this big. I think I have it too much water.


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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