All posts by wendy

Teacher tree the start

Teacher tree

Teacher tree

My teacher tree has been made over 27 years as a teacher. I have receivers so many ornaments as gifts they now have their own tree. In trying to decide what to make as the dominant ornament I was thinking apples but I decided on alphabet ornaments after seeing some on Pintrest. so I have a red and white teachers tree with alphabet ornaments. As I added the ornaments the students have given me thru the years I tried to mark them with the name and date of each student who gave me the ornament.mi decided red and white lights but as I decorated I also have decided to add some ornaments from favorite u tis I have don as I find a matching ornaments. Holiday Celebrations around the world were a favorite so I have poinsettias for Mexico. I have my three favorite units for December: Wisconsin Evergreen Trees, Gingerbread, and reindeer. Then there were all those clothespin ornaments we used to make every year, so we have clothespin ornaments in the tree. I have some candy cane ornaments, for those candy cane projects. Because doing the Drug Free Schools Elves Projects with the whole school was always a favorite of mine there are three elves on the tree. I will add more as I go thru and find the ornaments.

The first tree

First tree

First tree

I used to watch Regis and Kathy Lee once in awhile usually reruns in the summer. Kathy Lee used to have a real potted family christmas tree that they would decorate and then plant in a special area so the trees would grow as her family grew. I wanted to do that so much! So here is our first tree, it small not like Kathy Lee’s but it will sit on the porch at Christmas time 1014 and then be planted in the yard of Memory Manor, the first tree……

Hidden Disabilities


I have a hidden disability. No one can see a brain injury. I get so depressed from hurting, wanting to sleep all the time, not being able to do numbers and getting so confused all the time. I hate it……and people can’t see it, they don’t understand.

Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday Dad. It’s been 14 years since I lost you on March 8, 2000. I know it was your choice to leave this Earth and move on but it is still hard. I miss you…..on the day you died I was fortunate to experience a heavenly visitation that many would say was a vision. I didn’t know until it was over. So I can say it happened. It showed me heaven exists.

Coffee’s Cancer Battle round 2

We went for life rescuing chemo today. We had it three weeks ago but we didn’t know if it would work. We still don’t know but it’s every three weeks. I joined Facebook support groups for canine cancer. It’s hard, knowing what to do. I had an hour consultation with med vet in Ohio about a Bone Marrow Transplant. In the last two days Coffee has felt really good. She was digging for Cherie’s and wanting her bunny feet eaten up, and has felt like her old self. I wish she could be like this forever. Chemo makes her feel so lousy. I hate this. No family should have to face lymphoma twice.