Archive March 29, 2017

Creamy’s biopsy

Creamy goes in for a biopsy today. I worry because of the puppy mill she freaks out at kennels and dogs crying. So I opted to get her stroller out and have her sit in the waiting room with me. They come to get her as needed. Check up, catheter, Cat scan. She is doing well in her stroller and it very empty here today. Not many animals. She is even napping on her pillow. They want her to stay overnight because of the bleeding in the nice associated with thebiopsy. I hate that idea. So after spending the day with her, I give her to them for her procedure. On pins and needles I wait.

Here I go, my cancer biopsy

Because I have been spotting( well once and they call it abnormal discharge ) I go to the specialist today.

I got there early and found out my ultrasound is normal and they do a sun tion biopsy in the office. That was uncomfortable but last 30 seconds.

After words I reall hurt the she said bleeding 2-4 days. I cramped really bad, and took 800 mg of Mortin, heat and test.

Cancer biopsy

Creamy goes in for her consultation at the Waukesha Vetrinary Service Clinic. We had a nice doctor and she she has to go in Wednesday to have a CAT scan and biopsy and they have to put her to sleep for that. We see Dr Balog. Here we go. At least they have the right equipment to diagnose her.

Kathryn’s mom

Kathryn mom Ann and I had dinner last night. Tonday she’s on a plane to visit her nephew in Denver. We had a nice dinner. I lost my wallet but found it later in the car. I am so glad Kathryn talked me into leaving my wallet separate fro my credit cards. We had a nice dinner at Devon’s and my steak was wonderful.