Archive May 21, 2017


I had an appointment today so I drove to Whitefish Bay. I stopped at Trader Joe’s for fun and I got a bulb vase. Apparently you can grow bulbs without dirt. It’s has tulips in it right now. Can you tell I am in a plant mode? IMG_4085

Mother day

Dear Mama
I miss you so much. It’s been 22 years since you left the earth and went to heaven and there hasn’t been a day I haven’t missed you. I knew my life would never be the same when I walked down that long hallway away from your room after saying goodbye. I’ll never forget how that felt, walking into a world knowing it would never be the same and I would never be the same. It was the strangest feeling walking away fro. You and the life I had known with you. You were my guiding light for better tomworse. I love you.

A day

My sister who doesn’t leave the house much anymore, went to the garden center with me today and to George Webbs for lunch. The garden center is a temporary center in a parking lot. fruit of the Bloom and my favorite lunch super George burger and fries. IMG_4086

In the afternoon David and I went to drive. Hyundai Santa Fe, not too bad…