Archive November 20, 2019

Veteran’s Day Salute

Happy Veteran’s Day 2019. This is my Dad who served on the U.S.S.Oglala in WW2. It saw a lot of action in the South Pacific after it was sunk in the bombing of Pearl Harbor, was salvaged after sinking 4 more times in trying to repair her! Dad was the US Mailman on the Oglala. He always said when things were exploding and missiles flying, being close to the seams, where the ship was repaired after such a tragedy, somehow brought him comfort, gave him hope, and a sense of peace….that we would triump in the war. If WE could salvage a ship that badly damaged…..WE as a country would recover from such a horrific attack and WE could DO ANYTHING! VICTORY!
Note: as of the year 2000 when my dad died, the service men of the Oglala, felt so strongly about their time of service on her, they were still having yearly reunions.
