

We went up to Nerlin to change dad’s grave. While I am there I put flowers on Ruth and my grandparent’s graves. While we were there we went for a walk in what I call Cookie’s Park. She loved that park and that fountain. Trying to get her to stay out of the fountain was no easy task.

Then we went to Limberlost Rehoming where Bonnie lives and we helped her transport three Pekinese handicapped dogs to new foster homes. Leo, Sylvia and Precious, Leo can’t walk well, Precious is missing and eye and Sylvia lost the from part of her jar, so she can’t bark. They were all dumped and found their way to Bonnie. I guess Leo has ahi e in Michigan now but the other two don’t have a forever home yet.

Precious and Sylvia are good together, maybe we can find them a forever home with someone who likes disabled pets.


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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