Good day bad night

Good day bad night

Wasn’t a bad day today, I did some errands. I didn’t get them all done but I did get to rest and just veg a few hours. I got to plan my little secret library. I got the greatest idea for it. The inside of a Genie’s bottle… cool and magical is that?

However, then night came and I went to pick up a door I had bought on Facebook and the hell began and it stayed and stayed and stayed and finally I had enough name calling and enough abuse and I came home and took a hot hot bath and washed all the bad things away and I went and layed down and covered my head….and thought of nice peaceful ways to lay in my coffin and what I’d would be wearing. Maybe god doesn’t have a plan maybe I am just really nothing at all


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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