What to do now

What to do now

I guess I have chairs on the brain as the one thing I do love to do is read old chairs and make them into Upcycled furniture for fun!
So that’s is what I do, and now I have a lot of chairs but I also worked on reprinting the house. As I found out it didn’t matter how many doctors agreed I should not go back to teaching, my pension and everything else was wrapped up in my work comp injuries. So I went a whole year with no money coming in, living as frugally as possible, couponing all the time, and depending on others. Really a hard thing to do considering I was the caretaker in the family.


This chairs is made after one of my and my students favorite books ” Where’s My Mummy?”


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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