Blink of an eye

Blink of an eye

It never fails to amaze me how in the blink of an eye life can change. Your whole world can be turned upside down and a big empty space is left there. The world keeps passing you by and yet you are at a standstill. I have been here too many times before. A life changing event.
We lost our Cosmo Creampuff today. He was brought home for the shelter 14 years ago. For nine years he had diabetes and insulin shots twice a day. It was not easy on him but he just kept hanging in there. We will miss him so much.

When Cosmo first became diabetic, and cats will developed this disease between 8-10 years old, we committed to giving him his shots daily. They have to be given on time without much variation so that meant our personal lives had to be shifted. Having a diabetic cats is not for everyone but we tried our best. Took him in for blood sugar readings and to the cat ophthalmologist for eye treatments. We are not sorry we did but it’s a personal choice.

Cosmo after many years with diabetes. He just kept fighting.

Cosmo after many years with diabetes. He just kept fighting.


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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