Coffee’s Cancer Battle – Chemo 1

Coffee’s Cancer Battle – Chemo 1

Today we start the 19 week treatment of chemo. Chemo is a 4 weeks rotation of different chemos and then prednisone. Then repeat. We will make the journey to Madison to have chemo until May. They say because the cancer is on both sides, it’s at stage 3 but because she has no symptoms she is a letter a. Her blood work came back normal, like it was 8 weeks ago when she had her teeth cleaned and an infected tooth taken out, perfect. (There was no signs of enlarged nymph nodes then)….. so this means it is not in her bone marrow. That is good.

On our way home in the van after chemo number one. It's been a long day......7-3. They said it would  be shorter from now on. This is a number one .

On our way home in the van after chemo number one. It’s been a long day……7-3. They said it would be shorter from now on. This is a number one .


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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