Coffee’s Cancer Battle – Day after chemo

Coffee’s Cancer Battle – Day after chemo

Well after a good god cry and a break down in the van ( actual meltdown ) yesterday outside the clinic because I had to hand my baby dog over to the vets at the clinic for chemo ……and she has no idea why except that I handed her over to strangers to be poked and prodded, and after a major breakdown on my part it is day two. We are waiting to find out of her blood work up says T cell or B cell. B cell is a lot more reactive to chemo. T cell is a lot more resistant to chemo. We are now waiting for that call even though it doesn’t change the course of the treatment. Once it goes into remission, the length of the remission can be effected by the type of cell.
I made a mistake and read all the papers they have me, like cancer goes in remission maybe a year. Well I have to THINK POSITIVE! When Chocolate Chip (my brown pomeranian) was first diagnosed with a bad heart valve, they said maybe a year, with wonderful care takers and lots of love and good cardiologist vet, he lived over 5 years. The new medication called Vetmedin was tried and it’s now a miracle drug for dogs with heart disease. I know I have to be positive and stay strong.

Coffee the day after chemo, with chicken nuggets...and yes she got part of my cheeseburger too!

Coffee the day after chemo, with chicken nuggets…and yes she got part of my cheeseburger too!


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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