Just today

Just today

I am trying so very hard to move on, get out of bed, keep myself Ina normal pace…….even though I am sleeping more. When I get really upset I get confused. You should have seen me try to coupon shop at Target! What a joke! I can’t isolate items, I can’t match coupons….when I get upset it makes all the brain injury symptoms more relevant than ever.

I told someone on a Facebook post that words were just words if you didn’t have anything kind to say, say nothing at all. Then I was reading a bargain bin book I got at Barnes and Noble called “Reinventing Yourself”. I thought since my career just stopped I could use to read this book. It has a quote in it that says

Words are not blown away by the wind but rather create realities. Search for words that help and do not nullify. Perhaps you’ll be surprised what begins to happen”

Maybe words are not just words and my comments were wrong.

I started doing little chairs, like for dolls. I put flower arrangement in them after I choose the color and the fabric covering for the pot. Those two things send me in the direction of the theme for the flowers.

I started doing little chairs, like for dolls. I put flower arrangement in them after I choose the color and the fabric covering for the pot. Those two things send me in the direction of the theme for the flowers.


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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