Only in Wisconsin

Only in Wisconsin

Here are few things Wisconsinites do when you get this much snow on April 14-15:
1. For those of you who still have your xmas tree up….turn it on and put your easter baskets under it.
2.Turn on your Christmas lights on your house, they are frozen in the ground anyway
3 Radio stations are playing Christmas music, especially “walking in a winter wonderland “call in with your favorite!
4. Since you’re snowed in anyway… turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes for dinner.
5 Re watch your favorite xmas movie and sit and eat jelly beans
6 Get dressed and go snow mobiling with your bunny ears on
7. Snowball fights and let the kids use that snowsuit one more time before they grow out of it.
8. Snowday for the kids and teachers so they can make May baskets. Just 2 weeks away.
9. Put those doggy’s sweaters back on because they finally got used to spending time outside and maybe they wont see the snow…?
10.When you go out to shovel, uncover the tulips


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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