Coffee’s Cancer Battle week 4(cont)

Coffee’s Cancer Battle week 4(cont)

Here we are week four. It is a month. A month of living with cancer. I guess living is the key word there, we are living. So we made the trek to Madison in -25 degree windchill weather today. We can’t sit in the car while waiting for chemo today we have to sit in the waiting room. Creamy is not settled today and she’s barking at everyone in the waiting room. She didn’t take her usual snooze when we got to cruising altitude in the van. (that’s highway speed) and when Creamy barks Coffee barks, so much fun! I do my best keeping them calm but people and dogs come and go all day long….and Coffee makes growls under her breath…oh my gosh! Coffee is a growly face and Creamy is a barky face…. oh my goodness.

Coffee is a growly face

Coffee is a growly face

Creamy barked face

Creamy barked face


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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