Spring cleaning planning

Spring cleaning planning

Sometimes the weathers nice …sometimes it’s not. Sometimes it’s cold…..up north it’s getting 10 inches of snow……so …..welcome to Wisconsin weather. You never get bored because the weather is never the same 2 days in a row.

So I have been making plan spring plans. It will show up sooner or later. I don’t know if I can afford the remodeling of the garage room into my art studio. So I am making plans to finish the school items I want to give away and the items I want to keep for awhile. The other thing is rearranging all the shelves and the furniture. So I have been making plans to rearrange the furniture and make it a more workable area with more airflow. When I first built the room it was just for storage. So I had shelves in the middle of the room but because there is only one window (my mistake, I thought it would be more secure that way) that means the shelves block the light and air. So shelves getting moved! The only really bad thing is the room is a triangle so the middle of the room is the only tall part. On the sides, it gets smaller and smaller.

My things will be sorted and given away by spring.

The surreal flowers of door county

The surreal flowers of door county


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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