Well we are on week ten. Next week we will be half way thru the cancer treatment. It’s working, Coffee is in total clinical remission. Her lymph nodes are normal sized and continue to be normal size. She is experiencing nausea today. I gave her nausea medication today but she still didn’t want to eat. We will buy her whatever she wants and today she only wanted a soft milk bone, so she gets whatever she wans to eat. I feel bad that chemo makes her sick. Every chemo she’s had before seem to bring more symptoms of side effect sickness………
Anyway……we have two more rounds of each chemo type so I guess not feeling good is something Coffee and I will have to get used to.
We have went thru lots of weather to Madison, and we have gotten so much help with the clinic trying to work out us driving 200 miles a trip for Coffee….but yesterday we almost crashed. Perfectly good weather and almost ….. BOOM. It was O.K., we avoided CRASHING but it ruined our ride to Madison. How can I be so careless sometimes?