Coffee’s Cancer Battle

Coffee’s Cancer Battle

Well this ends our week off from chemo. We did go to our vet yesterday Dr. Patchet and have blood work done. She called today and said it was perfect. I have to stop thinking of Coffee with cancer. She’s in remission so we do little meditations each day together, telling the cancer to stay away. I have also developed my own wellness plan for Coffee. Today is her third day on Prolife Advantage. She seems to be eating better and she’s bouncing again.


Maybe she will get a normal life expectancy. I would have done the health approach without chemo but that cancer was advancing and lymphoma is so quick to kill in dogs that I went with medical advancements first. Hey I just read they cured a girls brain cancer using the polio virus… advancement are always being found.

Thank you for your prayers!

What? You are leaving the house for an errand? You can not leave.....I have no bones, when you leave all my bones melt and all I can do is slump...YOU CANT LEAVE!

What? You are leaving the house for an errand? You can not leave…..I have no bones, when you leave all my bones melt and all I can do is slump…YOU CANT LEAVE!


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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