Our little Homey is growing and making good progress. She’s a fearless little thing…..and so cute.
Congrats Erin
My friend Erin got married Saturday in Iowa. She made a beautiful bride and this is the first time she’s been married so it was a very special day for her.
My will
I am making out a new will and changed the beneficiaries on it.
I also have a power of attorney and living will, if you are over 18 please….please write your wishes down. It’s so important.
Say it out loud
One of my nieces is mad at me because I said some things out loud to her. Mind you she can let it fly but I guess I’m not aloud to but hey, it clears the air. I guess I just have to learn more tact.
My new ideas
I have been posting signs and sayins that mean a lot to me or hit me in a a good way and say something to ma or about me. I am going to try and put more of me and my words in my blog.