
Happy Easter 2014

Have you ever heard the Johnny Cash and the Carter Family song “Were You There?”. I love that sound. I grew up with that old country song and I used to hate it. But as life goes on you make a full circle and now it just reminds me of family.
Anyway on this day where The Lord rose, I have the favorite song and I remember………

The bunny chair

The bunny chair

Fun friends

I was invited out into a group of friends to see a play at the rep last night. It was so much fun! I haven’t been out ona group of friends forever and I loved it. I forgot what that was like. Dinner, talking, talking over each other. So fun. I have to do that group thing more often.

I loved this performance

I loved this performance

Coffee’s Cancer Battle treatment 8 week 11

We are half way thru our cancer battle this week. Well we will never be done with the cancer. It is a life long ordeal. We will always have cancer but we can be a survivor and we can be over with the treatments.


We got our chemo and we came home. This is the strongest chemo so it makes Coffee feel the most I tired and the most icky.

Then tonight Creamy hasn’t felt good. She won’t eat dinner and she feels tired. She went to the doctor and got tummy meds last week, and was feeling better. Maybe because it was along day but then I found a gorged tick right above her eye brow. I did my best to get it to release, put it in a ziplock bag and will call the vet tomorrow. Then I gave her some tummy medicines that the vet gave her last week. Her blood was perfect last week so we might need a Lyme test in 30 days. Today the vet said use 50% hydrocozone cream and 50% Neosporan…on the tick bite….so that’s what will do. It’s always something!

Good bye Gary

I have spent the last week in ICU at Froedert because Gary had an accident and was on life support. Watching someone onlife support not easy. They told us he was brain dead and his wife decided to remove the respirator. He only lasted a few minutes without it. It was so sad. Explaining to the children that came to say goodbye was hard but I think I explained it to the children that visited him ok. What can I say….TEACHER….I really think if they have ICU open to kids, they should have a educator on duty to help them learn and experience what is happening. The family is in too big of a crisis to do that, at the time.


Insurance, is it a scam?

David keeps telling me insurance is a scam. Maybe David is right. He said his dad had life insurance and the company just wouldn’t pay. After dealing with my disability insurance, waiver of premium insurance and Coffee’s pet health insurance. I think David is right.

My disability insurance. They never had a problem with me paying thousands of dollars into it every year, and on temporary disability they have not given me too hard of a time, but after two years when it goes to permanent insurance, they are just masts. There even called my primary doctor and tried to talk her out od my disability status. I couldn’t bee live that! So AC Whitaker disability insurance, wasn’t worth it.

Then MPS TRUSTMARK life insurance, I only asked for a waiver of premium. They are giving me the most grief. ITS ONLY A WAIVER OF PREMIUM. It not like it’s major money , just waiver of $25 a month.

Then of course there is Coffee’s Health Insurance thru ASPCA. Their policies all have continuing care now. But because I had insurance before that without continuing care. They won’t pay for her cancer until she goes six months with no treatment. But when my policy renewed last year it’s doesn’t include continuing care yet all their new policies carry it. What a rip off!

Walking the path

As I sit here in the ICU watching families go back and forth from ICU, I SEE SO MUCH CRYING…. little children walking back and forth with tears streaming down their tiny faces. Adults holding one another. It’s so sad. A place where grief is the main player and everyone spins around it.

The path of grief is so fine
When you walk the grieving line
That someone you love so very much
Will soon feel the angel of death’s touch.
But then again the pain is gone
And they have waited so long.
An hour, a day, a month of pain
It doesn’t matter the time seems the same
They suffer and lay and cry some more
And they are at deaths door.
But when death comes how do you know
Whether to feel the death of grief
Or feel the great letting go of relief
By wendy