All posts by wendy

Brain injury

My brain injury has made me a procrastinator. I used to be a person who could get things done right away and quickly and very well. But now I am the person who’s simple tasks can be like pulling teeth.

I really feeling that very small chores feel like mountains to climb. And I keep putting them off and putting them off.

Coffee’s Cancer Battle, the final leg

The oncology department at UW Madison sent us home today with pain meds and a new type or steroid, but because either the Cancer is in Coffee’s bone marrow or because the chemo damaged her blood making ability, nothing else can be done for her. She’s on Chinese medications and pain meds. She will be on hospice care until she can’t go on anymore and we have to be real careful of her bleeding. My baby who is only 6 is dying and I can’t help her anymore

How do I do this?
How do I do this twice with the same disease?
How do I help her go to heaven?