Archive April 30, 2015

Coffee’s Cancer Battle the last day

today was Coffee’s Last Fay…….she was in and out of sleep…….when we stimulated her, she would wake up. We all got to see her, tell her goodbyes and tell her to go into the light. We took her one a last walk, she ate liquid liver sausage, and we went I a last car ride, with my sister holding her….then we said goodbye. Creamy and BENTLEY were there to say goodbye and she slipped away…..I love her so much I don’t know how to live without her

How many times do I have to come back to this house without someone I love?

Coffee’s Cancer battle the last leg of the journey

Coffee is not eating today. She has swollen glands and she can’t sleep with her head down. So a sideways shoe with fur wrapped around it seems good.

She doesn’t want to eat and I stared her on Pepcid. Since she doesn’t want to eat I have been giving here baby food to keep her strength up.

I called them co,ogist, there is nothing they can do, except help her cross over. Chinese medicine isn’t workinf, wholistic isn’t working, prayers aren’t working. Nothing nothing nothing

Coffee’s cancer battle the last leg of the journey

Today we went to the vet because Coffee has hurt her shoulder. Hopefully it will get better.theu did x raise to make sure there were no breaks and they sent home more pain medication. If lymphoma isn’t base enough now we have a hurt shoulder, so I jave to to carry heber in and out. I also haver to take her up and down there stairs. We can’t do any laser treatments because of the Cancer so we can do the tens unit and hope it gets better.