Archive August 26, 2014

Memories manor

When memories come crashing in
When memories start wearing thin
When memories go round and round
When new memories cannot be found

Let the memories come crashing to the ground
Let the memories cover you around
Let the memories fill you a new
Let the memories flow right through

The memories of the past are there to let you go on like a friend
The memories from the past keep you from making mistakes again
The memories of the past are there to teach and learn
The memories of the past to love and yearn


I didn’t get a chance to say Goodbye to Creamy before I left to stay overnight up north. She wouldn’t leave the bed. She ate, drank, went out to pee, but wouldn’t leave the bed. I told her that she grew up in a crate the size of a xerox box and worked so hard these last five years to learn about the world. She loves being outside and being in the sun, going for walks and going I the van. I told her she can’t let me disappearing quickly put her back in the box. She has to go on without me, she has to keep exploring a world the puppy mill kept her from. She has to go on.

Swinging in the baby swing in our backyard.

Swinging in the baby swing in our backyard.

Herb garden 2014

I saw vertical gardens in the magazines. I hear they are all the rage from my friend whose a floral designer. So I tried my own for points I had and an reclaimed pole lamp. It didn’t turn out bad and I am reaping some nice herbs from it. I found a $2 clothes dryer and I am drying my herbs on it.

Drying herbs

Drying herbs

The vertical herb garden

The vertical herb garden

Coffees cancer battle … cancer 1

Today’s was our first post cancer check ups still in remission! We go every 4-6 weeks for cancer check ups. It makes us tired but Coffee is getting her appetite back. She gained 3/4 of a pound. Her energy is coming back too.

Coffee resting in my sisters lap in the van

Coffee resting in my sisters lap in the van

Your cancer can go into remission, but you are never cancer free. You will always have cancer following you around……looking over your shoulder… the back of your mind. Always there…..