Archive December 20, 2014

Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday Dad. It’s been 14 years since I lost you on March 8, 2000. I know it was your choice to leave this Earth and move on but it is still hard. I miss you…..on the day you died I was fortunate to experience a heavenly visitation that many would say was a vision. I didn’t know until it was over. So I can say it happened. It showed me heaven exists.

Coffee’s Cancer Battle round 2

We went for life rescuing chemo today. We had it three weeks ago but we didn’t know if it would work. We still don’t know but it’s every three weeks. I joined Facebook support groups for canine cancer. It’s hard, knowing what to do. I had an hour consultation with med vet in Ohio about a Bone Marrow Transplant. In the last two days Coffee has felt really good. She was digging for Cherie’s and wanting her bunny feet eaten up, and has felt like her old self. I wish she could be like this forever. Chemo makes her feel so lousy. I hate this. No family should have to face lymphoma twice.