Archive April 10, 2015

Coffee’s Cancer Battle, the final leg

The oncology department at UW Madison sent us home today with pain meds and a new type or steroid, but because either the Cancer is in Coffee’s bone marrow or because the chemo damaged her blood making ability, nothing else can be done for her. She’s on Chinese medications and pain meds. She will be on hospice care until she can’t go on anymore and we have to be real careful of her bleeding. My baby who is only 6 is dying and I can’t help her anymore

How do I do this?
How do I do this twice with the same disease?
How do I help her go to heaven?

People sheesh


Why do people tell me to put Coffee to sleep. Cancer is not easy. Cancer is a hard daily battle of ups and downs. Cancer is terrible and it’s bad, no one told me to put my brother down when he had Cancer and was in so much pain it was patheti

Coffee’s Cancer Battle 2

Coffee almost died froma bad chemo reaction. She got very sick. The chemo took her blood count too low and she started bruising. It’s been three weeks now. Coffee blood counts have gone up but are still not normal. She can’t have any more chemo unless it is to save her life. It’s been three weeks with only prednisone and chinese medicine to treat her Cancer. She was slowly getting better every day little by little. She was doing her puzzles again and liked going outside and getting pushed in the stroller and going in the car. Her nodes were in the stable range which is good.
Today though her nodes are a little bigger and she has some bruises. She also has been sleeping a lot. I gave her some pain medicine because she’s sore where they measured her nodes. We take it a day at a time. It’s so hard.