Archive December 31, 2018

A prayer to you written by sarah

Excerpted from Sarah’s blog, my prayer is the same for my readers. Thank you Sara for the words of bnb prayer on my email today. I needed them. I AM WORRIED WHAT MY MRI RESULTS WILL SHOW.

~Sara L. Foust
Lord, I thank you for the ability to think, to plan, and to purposefully control my mind. But, most of all, I thank You for the ability to follow Your instructions for my life. Please help me hear those instructions and find the willingness to obey. Thank You for giving me rest and for placing things in my life that allow me to enjoy simple moments. I ask that You would bless my nreader friends today with a little bit of time to just sit back and enjoy cat purrs, sunrises, or stilling of their minds. Amen.