A day at home

A day at home

My new project this summer, on a smaller scale.

My new project this summer, on a smaller scale.

No doctors appointments, no friend lunches, no errands, no nothing, I get to stay home a whole day! I can’t believe it!
Maybe with help I can get some things done.

Being a teacher is all about getting a million things done at one time or in one day all while dealing with a million things the students are doing. It is constant stimulation no matter what a teacher tries to accomplish. You are always “on” and teachers do not get much down time, not even when they eat lunch. I so miss that but I also know that I couldn’t do it anymore. It’s sad, I used to like the hustle and bustle and now I can’t function inside the hustle and bustle. So sad.


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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