Coffee’s Cancer Battle week 6

Coffee’s Cancer Battle week 6

We are a break this week….horray. We are just a week behind. Cofffee finished her prednisone yesterday and she seems to be going back to regular drinking, eating and peeing. I am so happy we trained her to puppy pads first and then outside. Saves so many accidents. Anyway she is doing well. We went for walk yesterday and I let her walk a little and pushed her in her stroller.

Today we had a good walk and Coffee decided since it was 50 degrees, that there was no sweaters, no shirts and no winter coats! Naked walking, the dogs were so happy. At one point they had sweaters, winter coats and boots and could only make it a few houses before they went back on the stroller. “Frozen feet” was bad this winter.

This was us all bundles up, three frozen winter vortexes.....bad.....frozen foot....even worse.

This was us all bundles up, three frozen winter vortexes…..bad…..frozen foot….even worse.


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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