New book…….the Happiness Project

New book…….the Happiness Project

I am still working on the organizing book but my new book is The Happiness Project by Rubin. I have only gotten to the month of March but each month has something to work on, so I am working on happiness. I guess really I have to find it, if it’s here I have to recognize it.

Content from the book:
January Vitality boost energy
February Marriage remember love
March. Work aim higher
April Parenthood lighten up
May Leisure be serious about play
June Friendship make time for friends
July Money buy some happiness
August Eternity contemplate the heavens
September Books pursue a passion
October Mindfullness pay attention
November Attitude keep a contented heart
December Happiness boot camp perfect

Now I am working on my health and boosting energy. Chia seeds, probiotics, accupuncture, cleanses.

I guess I have to work on the love part. My fiancĂ© and I need to spend more time together, we used to go out every Friday night and just chill out a couple hours. But then we got Coffee puppy and I got assaulted, and I was so wasted at the end of everyday….we just stopped. So this is something we have to work on, I miss the Friday nights out.

Working and aiming higher, not too bad…..I paint chairs, fun furniture and I donate them to organizations that can sell them. What’s the difference if you give money or donate items to their causes. I like helping people.



Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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