Quote from the movie “Working Girl”

Quote from the movie “Working Girl”

“Fringe times are crucial” says Melanie Griffin to her friend as she tries on fancy clothes that belong to someone else to try on a life she doesn’t have.

Maybe its because I grew up on a farm by myself, with no siblings my age. Maybe it’s because my mom always expected me to keep busy. Maybe because I learned to talk to myself and keep myself busy but I can fill any fringe time. Talking on the phone, doing paperwork, creating art….I can always keep busy. I now think of my time doing this as a teacher, a waste with nothing to show for it….lots of teaching awards…..wood and glass. Doesn’t do much for me now. But working 100 hours a week have me a rush and I really loved all the extra stuff I was doing. Taking my ideas for the classroom or school and bringing them to life. I loved that.
I used to do all the family social events up to 400 people, family nights, dances, open houses. I loved it. I loved the planning and the preparation. Too bad there is not just a job like that in a school.

I took all that work with me wherever I went. Lunch, dinner, day out. I always carried work with me…..fringe times you know. Walking was listening to books on tape to find the next cook novel for my students.

I lived with Harry Potter one summer and Junie B. Jones. I never liked Junie B. until I listens to the books on tape. The reader bring Junie to life like Stochard Channing does the Ramona series. I love that.

Fringe times are crucial. ……LOLOLOL

My other favorite line from that movie
“To quote Coco Chanel, Less is more”


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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