Coffee’s Cancer Battle pt 2 treatment 5

Coffee’s Cancer Battle pt 2 treatment 5

Day after chemo 5, starting round 2. Coffee doesn’t feel good today. She’s very tired and doesn’t want to eat. She really didn’t even want LSD ( liver sausage delight ). I went and got her hamburger, different liver sausage and little summer sausage bites. She’s eating a little here and there. I have her a nausea pill and she’s very tired. She wanted to go for a walk so I let her walk a little and then she got pushed the rest of the way.

Coffee is not feeling good today. She doesn't want to eat ( just liver sausage) and she's tired.  She went for a "push" today. Fresh air helps. Coffee is not feeling good today. She doesn’t want to eat ( just liver sausage) and she’s tired. She went for a “push” today. Fresh air helps.[/


Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.

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