These are my little girls. Creamy and Coffee. They are my life. I love them. I rescued them from a shelter who rescued them from a puppy mill. I never realized how much they would grow and change. Coffee was about 8 weeks old when I got her. Creamy was 5 and a breeder dog for the puppy mill. Coffee doesn’t remember it there but Creamy she has grown and changed so much! She is OCD. she must have a pattern and repetition makes her feel safe but she has learned so many things about the outside world and life.
Bonnie said that she only adopts adult puppy mill dogs out to family with fenced in yards. If they escape they are so afraid of the outside world they will find a hiding place where they feel safe and starve there. They will not seek out food and water. I though if Creamy discovered the sun, grass, sky, and yard if she lived her life there I would be happy for her. But she wanted to do more. My vet said she would learn more from the other dogs than she would from me. My little Chocolate Chip taught her a lot and she leaned a lot from watching Coffee grow and learn new things. Well she decided she wanted to try to go on walks. At first she lived on the back of my legs now she’s at the end of the leash ” checking it out” she loves the yard and loves going in the van! Barking all the time but oh doesn’t she love going….going….going! She has a booster seat in the car so she can see everything and her favorite thing is cruising altitude. 50 mph or over. She loves beds, and pillows and treats, she knew none of it and she thought pillows were freaky but now she loves them watching her grow and change and learn has been a wonderful learning experience for me. We are learning together.